A frustrating Day

Today I am sad. I'm not entirely sure why. But, I can narrow it down.

1) My job is not personally satisfying. Same basic stuff day in, day out. Boring is the normal. I don't feel challenged at all, I don't feel like I am learning anything new, and I NEED to feel challenged. Therefore I am feeling stuck and unmotivated. Not a good combo.

2) My Husband's job is unsettled. His bank recently merged with a large bank, and he may be switching locations, may be switching positions. Not sure what is going to happen.

3) I want to moved to St Louis to have more to do, more places to go, friends to hang out with.

4) I don't want to move to St Louis because it is farther away from my family.

5) I love love LOVE to scrapbook, but my job wears me out to the point that I don't want to do anything but sit on my rear and play on the internet.

6) I've gained 7 lbs in the past 2 months. Time to get back on the diet! I've been missing Kickboxing too, and I need to get back to working out. Its not a lack of wanting to, its a lack of motivation. Boo Hoo, Woe is me! Time to kick my own butt back in gear!